
Gingerbread™ Paperbark Maple

Gingerbread™ Paperbark Maple“Although winter is primarily the time of year to showcase structure in the garden, this does not mean it needs to be devoid of color. Evergreens, colorful woody stems (Acer griseum x nikoense ‘Ginzam’), ornamental berries and the remnants of dry grasses and seedheads all partner together to chase away the winter blues. Flowers are not totally out of the questions, either. Some woody plants, late-winter bulbs and cool-season annuals (for more temperate climates) also strut their floral stuff in sunny spots this time of year.”

The Nonstop Garden bookAuthored by: Stephanie Cohen and Jennifer Benner

Quote taken from: The Nonstop Garden

Printed by: Timber Press
