
Maria Zampini photo

President, UpShoot LLC

Upcoming  Events

June 18
West Chicago, IL
Darwin Perennials Day 
July 12 – 15
Columbus, OH
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Cultivate ’14

Maria’s Work
in Words

Garden Center Magazine

Garden Center Magazine
Technology: Retail Ponderings – People Power

Nursery Management
Tip Jar: Put on Your Game Face

HGTV Home Plant Collection Logo
HGTV HOME Plant Collection Blog

Maria is now a regular contributor to the HGTV HOME Plant Collection blog. Check out
 hgtvhomeplants.com and click on “Know How!”

Grow a Richer LifeStyle – Put Down Roots

Plant SomethingIt’s spring and it’s time to visit your local independent garden center so you can Plant Something! and improve your quality of life. So, how’s a plant or tree possibly going to make your life better?

  • By lowering your heart rate
  • Providing beauty and shade
  • Improving your property value – boost your homes resale value by up to 15% and its sale by 5-6 weeks
  • Lowering your energy costs by as much as 25%
  • Cleaning the air and water – one tree can remove 26 lbs of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere equaling 11,000 miles of car emissions
  • Creating a more inviting yard and community

Try naming something as easy and inexpensive that can pull all that off!

The month of April brings multiple events where you can ‘get your green on.’ Pick one or pick all, but Don’t Just Stand There – Dig In and Plant Something!

Thank you to the AZNA who originated the Plant Something! campaign in 2009 and to the thirteen forward thinking organizations, including the ONLA, who have embraced the promotion. For more information on Plant Something!, check out the April issue of the ONLA’s ‘The Buckeye,’ BuckeyGardening.com and onla.org.

Destined to be a Dogwood Legend

I have always associated native flowering dogwoods with Easter likely to hearing the Legend of the Dogwoodduring my childhood.

Firebird Variegated Dogwood - flowers

A new take on an old favorite is Firebird variegated dogwood. This selected native is slower growing than other cultivars and has red flowers with white centers.

Firebird® Variegated Dogwood 
Cornus florida rubra ‘Fircomz’

Firebird Variegated Dogwood

A sport from Cherokee Brave, Firebird’s finest attribute is it’s green and white variegated foliage sporting red to burgundy new growth all season long. As fall nights cool, red tones over take the entire leaf.

Business person

Have BackPack Office, Will Travel

My work includes travel, and lots of it! This April I was lucky enough to head to my 3rd California Spring Trials (#CAST) for the HGTV HOME Plant Collection. The best way to describe it is a fashion show preview of plants for the coming year.

Poppies art

I flew in to Los Angeles and loved the #LAXPoppies display in the Southwest baggage terminal.

When traveling I’ll utilize the hash tag #WhereisMaria so you can guess my location!

This year we stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn in Pismo Beach.  I found the greeting above the registration desk to  be so apropos; ‘A garden’s path can take you anywhere…’

Edna Valley

Our display tent is alongside Dummen USA which featured the Red Fox Annuals and Bartel’s Perennials and we’re all located at Edna Valley Vineyards. It’s certainly not a bad spot to work for a week!


There’s no place like HOME

The HGTV HOME Plant Collection is hosting a Spring Giveaway on their website.  Consumers can sign up by April 30th for their newsletter and be entered to win a $100 gift certificate for HGTV HPC plant material!

HGTV Home Gnome

The #HGTVHOMEGnome is traveling the country with all the HGTV HOME partners. Follow his adventures on social media. We enjoyed a little fun with him at #springtrials!

HGTV Display

Our HGTV HPC display at CAST included a home façade featuring research nuggets which shows the appeal of the HGTV HOME brand to consumers!

HGTV as retail tool

For more information on becoming an HGTV HPC retailer or grower go to agricolamanagent.com.

To find the HGTV HPC in your neighborhood, utilize the HGTV HPC retail locator.

Where's Maria?

Let’s Get Social

Follow my travels around the world exploring new places, locating new plants and meeting new people on your favorite social media platform:

You’ll find me under Maria Zampini and UpShoot with the majority of my plant musing and pictures on the UpShoot Page

A little birdie says look for my face @UpShootHort and utilize the hash tags #WhereisMaria or #UpShootChat

Look for my smiling face under UpShoot

Red Freesia - recent Instagram photo

This pin-head is listed as Maria Zampini. Of course you’ll find plant photos but also board favorites including ‘Meeting Great Plant People’ and Horti the UpShoot Elf on a Shelf

Maria and friend

This professional is found by Maria Zampini
