
I’m thrilled to announce that Lake County New Plants has evolved into UpShoot™ LLC! My father Jim Zampini and I are passionate about plants and through UpShoot we’re able to help eveyone – from breeders to plantsmen and grower to gardeners – live out their passion for plants too.

Our deep roots in all aspects of the green industry means we provide individualized sales, marketing and licensing for new plant introductions nationally and worldwide. We share our horticultural expertise via my writing and speaking engagements. With UpShoot, the world is a little more alive – and a lot greener.

To grow your horticulutre busines, schedule a speaking engagement, read some of my articles or just get to know us a little better, visit upshoothort.com, going live in December!

Your First Born are Special – Even Plants!
Malus Weeping Candied Apple
Malus Weeping Candied Apple Photo & Plant Specs

The first plant Jim Zampini ever patented was MalusWeeping Candied Apple™in 1977. Jim grew up with the fields of the great Storrs & Harrison Nursery as his playground.  He would marvel at the wooden row stakes with botanical plant names scribed by hand in calligraphy.  He found Latin names hard to pronounce.  He said “If I am ever to bring a plant to market, I will give it a name people can relate to.”

His inspiration for Weeping Candied Apple™ was obviously its small, bright red fruit.  It reminded him of being a child, walking hand-in-hand with his father at the county fair, so desperately wishing they had enough money to buy a cherry-red candied apple in the concession stand window!

Crabapples – More Than a One Trick Pony

WCA Espalier Landscape Photos

LCN Selections Weeping Candied Apple™ (WCA) provide a multitude of landscape design options. WCA grown from rooted cuttings or bottom budded forms a naturally weeping tree.  It can be top-grafted giving it an umbrella look. Its pendulous habit easily allows it to be shaped into arbors, espaliered on buildings, fences or other structures. If espaliered on a building, it can reduce internal building temperatures. A truly green approach to design.

If you’re trying to attract birds or wildlife, WCA is like Mother Nature’s bird feeder. Our feathered friends will gobble up this fruit before other crabapples!

Ride the Wave of Change logo

G’day Mate!

I’m proud to say I’ll be the featured keynote speaker at the Australian Nursery & Garden Industry National Conference down under this coming March. In fact, I present right after the Australian Minister of Agriculture (no pressure)!

After the conference in Brisbane I’ll be spending a week touring the outback with Liz Darmondy ofFleming’s Nursery.  Fleming’s is LCN’ Selections Australia’s preferred agent.

Fleming's Top 10 Trees
Several LCN Selections are among Fleming’s ‘Top 10’ Trees:
Crimson Pointe allee of trees

LaMalfa Draws a Line with Trees

Two summers ago LaMalfa’s wanted to create a barrier between their Holiday Inn Express and Party Centre and strip mall businesses bordering their property. Over 129 Prunus c.Crimson Pointe upright, columnar flowering plums were planted as a privacy hedge.

LaMalfa’s has also utilized Malus Lollipop® a top-grafted, fragrant dwarf crabapple in parking strips and circling a prominent water feature. Their dwarf size also makes them a fit perfect in containers.

Planted in the Northeast Ohio snow belt means these two trees are proving to be worthy salt tolerant choices.

 Acer x freemanii ‘Celzam' Celebration Maple

Happy Thanksgiving!

While my father Jim Zampini and I are the recognizable faces of UpShoot, my mother Margaret has always been our primary background supporter. Family means everything to mom and the holiday season brings out a host of treasured family traditions.

As usual, you’ll find me in the kitchen being a pie baking machine for Thanksgiving. I’ll be whipping up a dozen or so pecan, apple and pumpkin pies to share with family. Look to my personal Facebook page for photos that look as good as they smell and taste.

We hope your blessings this holiday are like autumn leaves . . .
too many to count.
