Thanks for the Vote of Confidence
I Love LA
The GWA Annual Symposiumin LA was very, very good to me. The results of the GWA Board of Directors elections were announced and I’d like to thank the GWA membership for voting me the new Secretary. I’m honored to serve in this executive committee position in addition to my role as the Association Outreach Task Force co-chair alongside Diane Blazek.
I leave my former position as Regional Director in Region III in the very capable hands of Susan Martin. I know that she, Sue Markgraf, Regional Director and Linda Nitchman, National Director will organize quality events for our members. I know they are hard at work on at least two upcoming Region III meetings with the first being held at theChicago Home & Flower Show in early March (more details to follow).
#PlantGeeks Unite
My fellow plant nerd Kelly Norris, Director of the Greater Des Moines Botanical Gardenand I were pleased to present“Sow the Seeds of New Plants Into Your Season Content Calendar” at the symposium. It featured some of the newest plants to hit the green runway along with some underutilized fashionable plants that we felt merit being back in style. In case you missed it, pdf’s of our presentation and our follow-along are available on the GWA website.
Speaking of Kelly, I couldn’t be more thrilled to have interviewed him for the December 2015 Green Profit Magazine feature, “Bringing Style Into the Garden.” It focuses on Kelly’s new book due out December 30 calledPlants with Style: A Plantsman’s Choices for a Vibrant, 21st-Century Garden.
Southern Hospitality
The 68th GWA Annual Symposium will be held in Atlanta, Georgia September 16-19, 2016. As details become finalized they’ll be available on the GWA website. You can also follow along by joining the GWA 2016 Great Georgia Gardens Facebook Group.
Last but not least, thank you to Lydia Plunk and the rest of the local organizing committee for all their time and effort in planning GWA Loves LA!