Come Alive Outside
What did you do as a child for fun? Did you play outside and enjoy a game of tag, ride your bike, a pick-up baseball game, jumping in mud puddles, fishing, catching lightening bugs? That was my childhood and likely that of my generation. But with the advancement of technology, too often it includes more sedentary activities like watching TV and playing video games – both for children and adults. The result? Obesity, an increase in diabetes and more.
Join Come Alive Outside! and help create a shift in the way we live our lives. The movement is designed to help individuals and businesses alike to find ways to encourage one another back into the great outdoors.
Visit the Come Alive Outside website and become inspired to turn off your computer, stand up, find the nearest exit and Come Alive Outside! because everyone wins when somebody goes outside.
Sign up today to join Jim Paluch, President of JP Horizons for a special Come Alive Outside workshop being held in conjunction with the NGLCO 46th Annual Field Day at The Holden Arboretum in Kirtland, Ohio.
Patriotic Celebrations with Trees

July is when we celebrate our nation’s birth so of course the All American Series™ of crabapples comes to mind this month.
These All-Star winners from
LCN Selections were chosen for their disease tolerance, All-American red flowers and care-free maintenance forms.
They make a wonderful living memorial in honor of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedom in this great United States of America.
American Spirit® Crabapple
Malus ‘Amerspirzam’
American Spirit® is an excellent replacement for Malus‘Radiant’ and is recommended for street tree plantings under utility lines.

Single red flowers remain a deep color from bud to petal fall. Dark hunter green foliage turns gold in the fall when joined by bright red fruit that persists into winter.
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