<Happy Holidays!

Marketing Here, There and Everywhere

new plants
UpShoot is known for its grass roots, guerrilla marketing style. Besides our enews to growers we also do a more consumer based enews and one for garden writers and media. If you’re not receiving one or both of these and you’d like to, just email me! You can sign yourself up or any of your staff. The enews are full of new plant story and social media ideas that you can repurpose for your own sales and marketing efforts.
Press Release KitWe recently put out our press release kit which features key plants we have been and will continue to focus on promoting including Virginian ArborvitaeLemon Ice WeigelaSharon Kay ViburnumMarleys Pink Styrax and Persian Spire Ironwood.
Additionally, we’re excited to be working with breeder Mike Yanny of JN Plant Selections. We’re representing his Firespire Carpinus and Ping Pong Buttonbush. Mike has many other selected natives under test with us too.
Sharon Kay ViburnumIt’s great to have brand new introductions but we never look past opportunities to promote old favorites such as Snow Fountains weeping cherry as seen in our most recent consumer enews.
UpShoot was recently named a brand ambassador for Chick CharmsJ. Berry Nursery and Concept Plants for 2017. We’re humbled by this acknowledgment of our marketing work and are excited to help connect their great products to the trade and consumers alike.
NGBLast but not least, we’ve renewed our National Garden Bureau membership. It enables us to increase our reach to both the trade and consumers.

Fresh Face at UpShoot

CharJim and I are very proud to introduce you to our Administrative Assistant Char Wyatt. A former paralegal, Char has been with us about six months and is already a trusted and valuable colleague to us both.
She has been and will be focused on foundational processes behind the scenes such as license agreements, royalty collection, plant/breeder/grower databases and more. As we move forward, you’ll be seeing and hearing from her directly. For your records, her email is admin@upshoothort.com.


My time as Director of Plant Development for the HGTV HOME Plant Collection came to conclusion the end of July. I’m grateful for my time with HGTV as it expanded my sphere of influence within the industry as well as my plant knowledge base.
On September 1st I became the Brand Program Manager for HIP Labels of Greensboro, NC. I’m excited to be working with a progressive company like HIP labels and appreciate the synergistic relationship it offers for UpShoot.
Unlike other label companies, HIP specializes in custom and unique shaped tags and pot wraps. If you have a need for such a product, please do not hesitate to contact me at maria@hiplabels.com.

See UpShoot at the Winter Trade Shows

Jan 11-13

Baltimore, MD
Convention Center
HIP Labels Booth
Green & Growin' 16
Jan 16-20

Greensboro, NC
Greensboro Coliseum
Booth 641
Jim Zampini
Green and Growin’ Marketplace
Jan 18-20
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Broward County Convention Center

Holiday Wishes

The Zampinis
At this time of the year, we pause to give thanks for all the special people who have supported us and made 2016 the best year ever for UpShoot.
We are truly blessed to work with such great growers, breeders, garden writers and green industry colleagues.
From the Zampini Family and the UpShoot team – we wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

We’re Here to Assist!

Maria and Jim
Jim and I are always available to answer any production questions or offer marketing tips.
Maria Zampini 
cell 440.812.3249
Jim Zampini
cell 440.477.6501
home 440.357.7676

Stay Connected
to UpShoot via Social Media
FaceBook  Houzz  Instagram  UpShoot Plant Photo Albums
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