
Partner with UpShoot to Increase your Social Media Presence

At last count, there are now NINE major social networks. As time consuming as they may appear, you don’t need to jump on the posting bandwagon for all of them.
Step 1: We do recommend researching and becoming familiar with all the popular social media platforms.
Step 2: Select up to three that line up with:
1. Who you want to communicate with directly
2. Explains who and why you are unique
3. Allows you to tell stories that engage your readers
Step 3: Create a strategic plan of action on what to do, where and when to execute and then measure.

Social Media 101 Explained

Graphic courtesy of Facebook

Out of the social media platforms listed on these graphics, UpShoot currently employs Facebook,Houzz, Instagram, Jalbum On-Line Photo Catalog, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter to promote plants to garden writers, media, consumers, retailers, growers and green industry parties. Follow us on one or all!
It’s important to note that we add one social media platform at a time. As we become knowledgeable and comfortable in posting as new sites emerge, we also evaluate if we’re reaching our target audience on a regular basis.
I sell plants infographic

Graphic courtesy of Facebook

Instead of telling the exact same story on all social media platforms, UpShoot customizes the content depending on the demographic we are trying to reach. This takes extra time to make posts more ‘organic’ in nature, but when we review post reports we can see the differences even an email title can make on open rates and click thrus.
“If you went to the Super Bowl, when you got home you would tell the same story in a slightly different way to your wife, your mom, and your best friend.  Why? Because they are different people who each have their own individual relationship with you who would be interested in different aspects of your story. The same is true for the different Social Media networks.”
– Steve Baines, Social Media Expert
We are constantly updating our social media sites, enewsletters, website and Co-Hort Zone blog. Your sales and marketing team can access UpShoot content 24/7/365!
Increase your social media reach by simply sharing our posts. We’ve done the work for you! In essence, our content – be it about the licensed plants you grow or related green industry and gardening topics – is pre-made and ready for your use instantly!

At Your Fingertips

Website Resources Available Online

We have a plethora of grower tools available for you on our upshoothort.com website.
Our Plant List and Forms page has all the Word, Excel and PDF files you need as a licensed grower available 24/7/365 online.
UpShoot Plant Photo Albums
Online Photo Albums
Need to know what a royalty is on a particular plant? Look it up quickly.
Excel fileGrower List
Suppliers of finished product and liners for UpShoot plants.

LCN Selections Database

LCN Selections Database
Search LCN Selections plants by name or grower.

UpShoot Website Plant List

Plant List Online
Plants represented by UpShoot have their own page featuring specifications, online photo album links, PR media and articles, testimonials and sales flyers you can use in your sales and marketing campaigns to clients.

Excel file

Royalty Spreadsheet
Need to know what a royalty is on a particular plant? Look it up quickly.

2014 Catalog Online


UpShoot 2014-2015 New Plant CatalogAdd both our 2013-2014 and2014-2015 new plant virtual catalogs in your sales and marketing tool kit.
Impress your clients with your computer acumen! You and your customers can view them on your laptop, tablet or phone simultaneously.
Send a TinyURL link via email or text to discuss plants over the phone or via Skype during your next sales call. If you don’t know how to do this, give us a call and we will walk you through it over the phone.
We want you to feel comfortable in using the sales materials we have developed to make your sales calls easy.

Contact Us Today!

TelephoneInterested in adding any trees and shrubs UpShoot represents into your product mix? TIP: Don’t delay ordering your liners, cuttings or budwood early!
Contact Maria for more information on our red hot plant line. We want to be your new plant resource in 2015 and beyond!

Garden Writers Association

Stay Connected to UpShoot via Social Media

FaceBook  Houzz  Instagram  UpShoot Plant Photo Albums

LinkedIn  Pinterest  Twitter

Winter Trade Shows

Visit with UpShoot at these winter trade shows:
Western Nursery & Landscape Show
Jan 3 – 5, 2015
Plant Fashion Show
Appearing in Van Essen Nursery booths
Kansas City, MO
Western Nursery and Landscape Association

Green & Growing Tradeshow
January 7
– 9, 2015
Greensboro, NC
Booth 641
Greensboro Coliseum
Green & Growin’ Show
MANTS Tradeshow
14 – 16, 2015

Baltimore, MD
Mid-Atlantic Nursery Tradeshow

Promoting UpShoot Plants On-Air, Online
and In Print

Happy Holidays!

During this time of the year, we pause to give thanks for all the special people that have supported us and made 2014 truly spectacular.
Maria at Xmas Time
From the Zampini Family and the UpShoot team – we wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Maria Zampini
cell 440.812.3249

Jim Zampini
cell 440.477.6501
home 440.357.7676


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