
America in Bloom LogoAmerica in Bloom (AIB) and Grower Talks magazine have partnered to bring us the ‘Plants are more than Pretty’ series of videos.  “World Famous Hortistician”, Dr. Marvin Miller, stars in these viral videos which show us how plants can reduce crimemake sexy giftsmake kids smart and help you heal faster.
Plants Reduce Crime YouTube Video
In tandem with the video is a new 12-page brochure –Discover the Surprising Side of Plants. A PowerPoint presentation details how plants are more than “pretty”, why they’re a necessity and not just a luxury in today’s society. Take advantage of these terrific marekting tools!

   AIB PowerPoint File Discover Plants Brochure
AIB promotes nationwide beautification through education and community involvement by encouraging the use of flowers, plants, trees and other environmental and lifestyle enhancements.  AIB is more than just a contest between municipalities. The AIB website is a great consumer information resource and a place where you can offer up solutions for your customers!

Blooms Twice as Nice 
Sporting twice the amount of clear, lemon-yellow reblooming flowers, Pocket Full of Gold® dwarf daylily is more prolific than Stella d’Oro! Its flowers provide more design appeal with their complimentary color tone.

Pocket Full of Gold Daylily in a Row Planting

A tough perennial workhorse, it can be utilized in a variety of ways in the landscape; mass plantings, borders, edging or perennial beds.  Living in the Northeastern Ohio snow belt, we can attest to it being an extremely salt tolerant selection perfect for roadside plantings.



 We also suggest interplanting Pocket Full of Gold amongst daffodils. After spring blooming the daffs die down while the emerging daylily growth hides the drying bulb foliage providing extended blooms from spring through summer.
HRI Institute

Deep Research

Regarded as the research arm of the American Nursery & Landscape Association (ANLA)The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI)will celebrate its 50thAnniversary this year culminating in a gala  reception this summer during the OFA Short Course.

HRI supports and promotes horticultural research that benefits the nursery and landscape industry.

Since its inception, it has directed almost $6 million to research projects and scholarships with over $280K being distributed in 2012.

Donor designated monies are a primary component of HRI research funding.
I’m proud to say that in 2010, I established an HRI
‘Very Important Partners’ 
fund in honor of my parents Jim and Marge Zampini.

Find out how you can make a difference in the green industry by creating a fund in the name of your business or loved ones, contact: Teresa Jodon
(202) 695-2474
Or visit the HRI website:

Pocket Full of Gold Daylily

Tastes Good Too!

Did you know that daylilies, like Pocket Full of Gold, are edible? Remove the stamens, rinse, dry and fry whole or strips after coating in a batter mix like Whistle Stop.

Include cleaned petals and chopped tender parts of stems and tubers in to salads.

Hemerocallis Coolers 
Stay cool during dog days of summer with this infused drink:

12 daylilies (remove stamens)
½ cup sugar
2 cups spring water
Apricot & Orange juice

Make an infusion using 6 daylilies, ½ cup sugar, 2 cups of spring water. Bring to a boil. and simmer. Reduce by 1/3. Strain liquid and chill.

Mix infusion equally with 1 part apricot juice, 1 part orange juice and 1 part 7-Up.

Pour over remaining daylilies, serve with ice. Garnish with borage and monarda flowers.

TIP – Eat daylilies in moderation, they can have a diuretic effect.

Molten Lava Tree Grove Closeup

We’ll Keep the
Lights On

Heading to Ohio in July for the OFA Short Course in Columbus?

Keep in mind that UpShoot is practically a straight shot north and slightly east of Cleveland, a scant three hour drive.

Maybe you’re contemplating attending the NGLCO Annual Summer Field Day being held this year at Stanton Park in Madison, Ohio?
Well that means we’re just five minutes down the road!

Whenever you’re in NE Ohio, we’d love to have you stop and visit with us at UpShoot inlcuding the Mary Elizabeth Garden.

Above and beyond horticulutre, Lake County, Ohio has alot to offer travelers. The Lake County Visitors Bureau will happily assist you with travel plans.

If instead you’re hitting the dusty trail west, you can also catch up with UpShoot in Portland, Oregon at the FarWest Show, Booth 2047.

We look forward to seeing you on the road this summer!
