
Guest Blog Post by: Katie Ketelsen

Originally posted on Garden Grunt website, April, 2013 

I asked Maria Zampini from UpShoot, a three generation family-operated company marketing great new plants, to share with us her thoughts on how her Learning Center went at our show just a couple weeks ago. I was so excited to hear how successful her sessions were — of course, who doesn’t love talking about new plants — and how much she enjoyed our Plant Fashion Show!

Maria commented, “I was ‘tickled green’ when asked to lead a New Plant Learning Center at the 2013 National Green Centre.  The Learning Centers enhanced the attendee experience by bringing new plant education to the people versus taking buyers off the show floor, which I know is a concern for exhibitors.  It was a more personalized and informal setting which I think led to greater interaction between the speaker and interested parties.”

“Additionally, the ‘Plant Fashion Show’ is a one-of-a-kind, high energy event which promotes new plants through all marketing channels; from the breeder/grower to retailers/landscapers and right on down to the end consumer.  With coverage of the ‘Plant Fashion Show’ entrants in person, throughout the industry via trade journals and an on-line presence and finally direct to homeowners by way of consumer magazines and a public version of the fashion show – well, there is no better ‘bang for the buck’ in my book to promote new plants.”

If you’re interested in having a learning center at the National Green Centre 2014 show in Kansas City, contact Sarah at exhibits@nationalgreencentre.org. Learn more about the Learning Centers that took place this year right here.

– Written and posted by
