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Dr. ArmitageFor Immediate Release

Name: Maria Zampini
Company: UpShoot™ LLC
Address: 5010 South Ridge Rd Madison, OH 44057
Cell: 440.812.3249
Fax: 440.357.7676
Blog: The CoHort Zone

Naked Ladies In The Garden?
Dr. Allan Armitage pulls back the curtain on this and other common plant names in a new book for readers, gardeners, and history buffs.

Of Naked Ladies and Forget-Me-NotsMarch 2017—He’s a known introducer of new plant varieties, researcher, writer of the most-used perennials textbook in print, columnist, speaker, and tireless plant advocate, but where Dr. Allan Armitage truly excels is in storytelling.
With the publication of Of Naked Ladies and Forget-Me-Nots, now everyone has access to his sharp wit and bottomless curiosity. Readers will learn the backstory behind the plant names “hookers’ lips” and “hairy balls,” along with other favorites including, “bachelor’s buttons,” “boneset,” and “bouncing bet.”
He spins yarns about the mistaken myth of carrots improving eyesight and how a voodoo lily almost canceled a marriage. Bits and bobs of world history pepper the pages, including plants’ involvement in World Wars I and II, indigo’s role in colonial America, and Queen Anne’s legacy that lives on in a simple roadside wildflower. Helen of Troy, Achilles, and Queen Elizabeth all make appearances among the 95 stories included in the book.
A great gift for the gardener, etymology fan, trivia buff, historian, and reader! Chock-full of color photographs, historical drawings, and artwork.
Joe Pye Toad lily

What Colleagues are Saying About the Book

Quotes about Armitage book

To Buy

Order an autographed copy directly from the author at For wholesale or review copies, contact Dr. Armitage here.


Dr. Armitage is available for media appearances, lectures, and interviews. Please contact him online to inquire.
Dr. Armitage

Dr. Allan Armitage is well known as an award-winning writer, speaker, and researcher throughout the world. In addition to 15 books, he’s written hundreds of academic and industry papers, as well as a unique monthly column for “Greenhouse Grower” for over 30 years. No column has ever been repeated! He is an Emeritus Professor of Horticulture at the University of Georgia (retired 2014). His app for smartphones and tablets, “Armitage’s Greatest Perennials & Annuals,” serves as a bridge between industry and consumer and is popular for home gardeners and industry professionals alike. He holds academic degrees from McGill University, Canada, University of Guelph, Canada and Michigan State University, USA. Allan has introduced over 20 plants to the gardening community, including best-sellers Verbena ‘Homestead Purple’ and ‘Margarita’ ornamental sweet potato. He’s an invited lecturer in Canada, the United States, Portugal, Colombia, New Zealand, Australia, and Europe and is in constant demand. He has visited research and production centers throughout the world and studies annuals, perennials, cut flowers, and greenhouse crops in various climates. His tour company, Garden Vistas, has organized tours to the Great Gardens of the World every year for over 25 years. Learn more and keep in touch at
ZampinisUpShoot, LLC is a boutique horticulture marketing firm specializing in the sales, licensing and marketing of new plant introductions to North America, Canada, Europe and Australia. UpShoot also provides marketing services for gardening related products to both the trade and consumer audiences. For more information, contact Maria Zampini, President at 440-812-3249 or
