
Maria Zampini photo
Maria Zampini
President, UpShoot LLC

On the Road Again

September 27
Mentor, OH
Red, White & Brew
ONLPAC Tailgate
October 2 – 3
Nashville, TN
New Music City Center 
Tennessee Green
Industry Expo

Maria’s Work
in Words
Garden Center Magazine

Garden Center Magazine
Retail Ponderings: More
Than Mums and Pumpkins 

Nursery Management magazine 
Nursery Management
Profitable Partnerships


Do You Speak Garden?

St. Lynn's PressI’m beyond proud to share that in August at the GWA National Symposium in Pittsburgh, St. Lynn’s Press formally announced the release of Garden-pedia: An A-Z Guide to Gardening Terms I’m co-authoring with Pam Bennett of The Ohio State University!

Garden-pedia is written to fill the need for a clear, concise book of useful terms in a friendly, conversational style; it’s not boring or dull but instead includes the what, when, why and how of gardening in a photo and graphics rich format.

This authoritative, up-to-date guide is perfect for novice or expert gardeners, green industry professionals and their staff, master gardeners and garden clubs or friends and relatives looking for the ideal gardening gift book.


Garden-pedia will be available in retail garden centers, gift and book stores nationwide starting January 2015.  Or you can visit Amazon to pre-order your copy today!   Paperback list price is $16.95. And best of all, part of the proceeds go to support the Ohio State University’s Master Gardener program.

Texture, Fall Color and Blooms –
Oh My!

While not a ‘new’ plant, Newport Viburnum is an established plant in the market place that is being rediscovered and coming back in to fashion, so-to-speak.

Newport® Viburnum 
Viburnum plicatum ‘Newzam’

Newport Viburnum

Spring Grove cemetery

Newport has quilt-like foliage which adds texture in the landscape setting.  It also turns a pleasing burgundy color in the fall.

In late spring it produces an abundant display of big, snowball-like clusters of blooms.

It can be a stand alone plant in the landscape or it is also great in a grouping, such as at the entrance to Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Book table: St. Lynn's Press

We Are Family!

I’m excited to be part of the St. Lynn’s Press family and am honored to be in the company of these authors!

Maria with Kerry

Kerry Ann Mendez, of Perennial Yours, will have her 3rd book hitting shelves in February 2015 titled The Right Size Flower Garden.

Maria with author Sue Goetz

Sue Goetz, The Creative Gardener, will delight you with Create a Luxury Spa Experience at Home with Fragrant Herbs from Your Garden.

Maria with Helen

Helen Yoest, Garden with Confidence, has an attention getter with Plants With Benefits: An Uninhibited Guide to the Aphrodisiac Herbs, Fruits Flowers & Veggies in Your Garden.

Apple Cranberry Casserole

Fall is for Planting

…and for harvesting too!

I always look forward to apple season and all the great ways I can bake and eat them. But don’t forget, fall is for planting and it is the perfect time to plant many types of fruit trees!

Here is one of my favorite go-to apple recipes:

Apple Cranberry Casserole

Combine the following and pour in a greased 9 x 13 pan:

3 cups peeled & chopped apples
1 can whole cranberry sauce
2 T flour
1 cup sugar

Mix the following and cover the above as a topping:

3 pkgs. instant oatmeal – Cinnamon & Spice (or sub Maple & Brown Sugar) flavor
¾ cup chopped pecans
½ cup melted butter
½ cup flour
½ cup brown sugar

Bake at 350 uncovered for 45 minutes – enjoy!


Dr. Allan Armitage


Even though the the seasons are changing, there is plenty of perennial activity happening with Dr. Allan Armitage including:

Online Classes – Sign up now through the University of Georgia for Sun or Shade perennial classes by Dr. A – learn from the best!

Dr. Armitage's app
Gardening App – This easy back pocket reference guide is available for $4.99 for Android and iPhones, a handy tool perfect for both industry folk and consumers.

Garden Centers can be listed for FREE – sign your IGC up today!

Follow these bloggers as they review the app this fall and winter – they’ll be offering some cool perennial prizes!

Garden Delights
Julie Thompson Adolf

Cowlick Cottage Farm
Carolyn Binder

Our Little Acre
Kylee Baumle

Cold Climate Gardening
Kathy Purdy

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