“Jim Zampini is, as we all know, a very knowledgeable plantsman, without whose keen eye and appreciation for plants would have allowed numerous plants to just slip through the cracks and never grace our landscapes. Although Jim would never admit it, we would all consider him to be quite successful and we would all like to have his notoriety and respect, but what impresses me the most are Jim’s demeanor and the fact that he has never forgotten his humble beginnings. Jim will treat the small entrepreneur the same as he does the large corporation. Jim will make time to talk with you, and if not available, he will return your phone calls. Not many company executives would offer you their home phone number and tell you to feel free to call him at home at night if you have any questions or comments. Even faced with numerous medical issues, Jim will continue to do what he loves most, serving and improving our industry.”
– Gary Ladman, Partner
Classic Viburnums