

I think garden writers today are an under-utilized link to green industry success.  I feel this industry segment has potential unbeknownst to many and as such, we’re missing out on an opportunity to help our businesses reap increased green profits.

Together with Diane Blazek of the National Garden Bureau, we co-chair the Association Outreach Task Force for the Garden Writers Association (GWA). We’re charged with expanding GWA’s awareness of other green industry associations nationally and internationally, and to have those same organizations be aware of GWA, its members and their services.

I’d like to introduce you to garden writers. Yes, yes, I’m talking about those nerdy plant people, some of whom may not have degrees in horticulture or decades of experience in the industry. However, members are no doubt some of the most passionate plant and gardening people you’ll ever meet. Most are ready and willing to learn more; be their mentor! Many have some level of direct connection to the end consumer, including master gardeners, garden club members and novice gardeners; that exact demographic our industry wants to reach!

Garden writers can be your partner in communication as well; all you have to do is reach out. Quite often the green industry lags behind in technology and marketing prowess. As an owner, if you know these areas are key to the future of your business, yet they aren’t your personal strong suit or you find them simply overwhelming, garden writers can help de-mystify social media and can fill the marketing void on a “by-project” or part- or full-time basis.  Read my article here for more information on finding a garden writer near you!
