
www.whio.com_abc51b829b1a4df79279926ee4c8a091 I have always been one to put pen to paper. Writing comes easy, naturally to me. Then, as my business grew and I learned I had a lot to share, I discovered I was at home behind a podium giving talks on anything garden related. Lately I have stepped into a new commutations medium; radio! I was thrilled to be a guest on Mark Webber’s garden radio show. A longtime listener of his shows, I know that he digs deep (oh, there go those garden puns again) into gardening. His shows are informative and entertaining; a much needed combination early in the morning when I want to start the day with some good garden conversation.

I was thrilled to be a guest on his show and share the news about my first book, Garden-pedia, which I wrote with co-author Pam Bennett. When Pam and I set out on this adventure, we knew we would be researching, writing and eventually publishing a book. At the time, just knowing we had this vehicle to share our love of gardening and to help new, and some not so new gardeners, get a better grasp of the endless terms and garden phrases was very exciting. Now, as we schedule book talks and signings and radio shows and podcasts, we can see that Garden-pedia  is already making its mark in the landscape.

Thank you, Mark, for inviting me to appear on your radio show!

Did you know? You can listen to Garden Talk Live every Saturday morning from 6-9 a.m. on WHIO no matter where you live as the radio show it streams live. Miss an episode? No worries! The radios shows are also available as a podcast.


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