Honored to Represent GWA Region III
I am humbled to be re-elected as a GWA Regional Directorfor the new Region III – Great Lakes, which now includes IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, WI and WV. I will be working closely with Linda Nitchman, National Director and Christine Kelleher, Regional Director to promote and organize quality events for our area.
GWA Association Outreach Taskforce Updates
Our group is working hard to develop relationships between GWA and other green industry associations for the benefit of both organizations membership.
Thank You Steven Stills and Kirk BrownI would like to recognize our board liaison Kirk Brown for his efforts to establish the
Princeton, New Jersey Will Never Be the SameParticipants will tour historic and contemporary gardens. Networking with garden writers, plant propagators, local gardeners, historic house docents, and landscaping professionals is a key feature of this joint program.
Mark Your Calendars Now
Look for details as they are firmed up in our enews as well as the Quill & Trowel.
Get Involved Today! The Taskforce is always looking for volunteers to join our team. If you are interested, please contact me via email.