Your Vote Counts!
It has been a privilege to serve multiple terms as a Region III regional director. I’ve now been asked to run for Secretary and have accepted that nomination.
I feel my green industry leadership, including serving as the 1st woman president of the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association (in its 100+ year history) and the International Ornamental Crabapple Society, as well as my other trade and community board experience, provides me with a diverse and solid foundation to contribute in setting a strong course for GWA.
I believe I’ve proven my ability to contribute with my work as regional director, co-chair of the Association Outreach Task Force and the Ad-Hoc Management Consultant Committee.
I think my diverse business history gives me the ability to make big picture decisions which marry with my marketing background to bring both proven and creative, new ideas to the table.
I would humbly ask for your vote in the upcoming election. I’m willing and able to make forward thinking as well as tough business decisions necessary to ensure a solid future for all our members.
Thank you for your consideration!