
New Plants Added to Our Portfolio

While LCN Selections has been the cornerstone of our sales, license and marketing efforts, UpShoot is proud to say we’re also taking on additional breeder clients.  We would like to announce a unique tree from a great grower partner:

Variegated Dogwood Tree

Firebird™ Variegated Dogwood

Brilliant red flowers followed by variegated foliage tinted
red all summer long! 

Commercial Nursery

To learn more about these cultivars as well as the other new plant introductions we represent, please visit with us at the tradeshows listed below, give us a call or shoot me an email.
Information on new plants and the companies we represent can be found on www.upshoothort.com.

Divide and Conquer!

Trade show season is upon us and UpShoot will be at the industry events listed below.
This year besides Jim and me, we have a fresh face with us – my youngest son Robert Pettorini – who will be attending the MANTS show with me. Robert worked his first trade show in August, manning the UpShoot booth at the FarWest show.

Jim Zampini, Robert Pettorini and Maria Zampini

Robert has been behind the scenes maintaining the Mary Elizabeth show garden and as our resident computer geek.
We welcome his friendly personality to help us divide and conquer the trade show floor this winter to visit all our licensed growers. Be sure to ask Robert or I for your ‘Sweet Treat’!

Pressing the Media with New Plants

Ohio Gardener State by State MagazineAt UpShoot, we believe in pressing our plants to consumers to drive sales for garden centers and back to you, our valued wholesale grower network.
Two LCN Selections are prominently featured in the OH, PA, MO & IN State-by-State Gardening Magazine Jan/Feb 2013 issue, ‘The Best of New Plants for 2013’ feature article.

This article, as well as others featuring LCN Selections can be found on the New Plant Article section of the website. Feel free to utilize these to promote new plants via press releases, social media posts, on your website, etc. – to assist your staff in driving sales.

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays

We wish you and your families a warm, memory-filled holiday season and prosperous new year!
Thank you for your support in 2012!
Here is to a terrific 2013!

UpShoot Website
Grower App and
Plant List Online 

At UpShoot, we are constantly improving
our website!
Recently added content includes:

Pay it Forward

Please share our email
with your co-workers!
They can sign up for our grower or monthly enewsletters here by clicking on the links.

We’re Here to
Support You!

Maria and Jim Zampini

Jim and I are available
24/7 to assist with production
and marketing
needs of wholesale growers.
Contact us any time!

Maria Zampini
cell 440-812-3249
Jim Zampini
cell 440-477-6501
home 440-357-7676

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‘Living, Supporting and
Sharing Horticulture’
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