
Maria Zampini photo
Maria Zampini
President, UpShoot LLC
On the Road Again

October 26
Talk: Nativars:
The Best of Both Worlds

Native Plants and
Sustainability Conference

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
Pittsburgh, PA

November 2 – 6
38th Annual IPPS
Southern Conference

Athens, GA

August 2013 Nursery Management Magazine
Maria’s Work
in Words
American Nurseryman
To Be Green or
Not to Be Green?

The pressure to produce perfect plants

Garden Center Magazine
IGC Profile:
Bauman Farms

Horticulture Magazine
Top Three Fruit Tree Picks by Dennis Tarry

Nursery Management Magazine
Robinson Nursery:
Netted liner program shaves shipping costs

You Can’t Put
a Price on
This Dirt

Whenever I travel to Nashville, TN on business for HGTV,
I’m hopeful I make it to one of my two favorite sister restaurants:
Yellow Porch or Wild Iris

I have gotten to know one of their servers:
Johnny Houlihan.

Johnny also is a talented songwriter and singer.

Johnny Houlihan
As continued development robs our great nation of prime farm land, Johnny’s 
‘For What It’s Worth’
lyrics could also be an anthem for the green industry!

Join me in celebrating the CMA’s Country Music Month by enjoying Johnny’s debut solo album:
New Old Town.

Follow Maria 
on Social Media!

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Chris Beytes, Editor and Publisher of Green Profit and Growers TalkIn the recent UpShoot targeted enews to Garden Writers, I talked about my upcoming talk on ‘Nativars’ at Phipps Conservatory.  The headline caught the eye of Chris Beytes, Editor & Publisher of GrowerTalks and Green Profit.   Chris had never heard the term before and so he featured it in the Wednesday, September 25 issue of Acres OnLine enewsletter.

 What Exactly is a Nativar?

A ‘nativar’ is a cultivar and/or hybrid of a native species.
According to Dr. Allan Armitage:

Dr. Allan Armitage“They should rule the garden” since nativars can provide the best of both worlds: a landscape improved by the ecological impact of natives and a way to address problems that usually plague certain native species.”
Visit the UpShoot website or digital catalog to see LCN Selections nativar examples, including but not limited:

Blue Blaze™ Arrow Wood Viburnum  Geauga® Gray Dogwood  Squirt™ Compact Leucothoe

Think Pink!

In honor of October being National Breast Cancer Awareness Month we’ve chosen one of our ‘Think Pink’ plants which just happens to also be a ‘nativar’.

Radiant Lipstick™ Redbud

My father Jim Zampini selected Radiant Lipstick Redbud for its upright branching habit – making it a perfect choice for landscape sites with smaller footprints.

Radiant Lipstick™ Redbud   Radiant Lipstick™ Redbud

LCN Selections Digital Catalog

Be sure to visit the Think Pink’ page in our NEW LCN Selections digital catalog for more pink plants.

Pumpkin Decorating Idea 

Just Pin It!When looking for retail display ideas to stop customers in their tracks, or simply to decorate your home for the holidays, there is nothing better than Pinterest.

Photo taken by Ashley King and uploaded in Cute Ideas Pinterest board

As an example, take a pale pumpkin and dried hydrangeas photo pinned by Ashley King.

Assemble and place in a silver urn. Or select a different vessel, one that matches your decor.  

This works well with any hydrangea,
Passionate™ Hydrangea with its’ 12″ – 18″ blooms that dry to multitude shades of pink and mauve.
Passionate™ HydrangeaRetailers can stage an end-cap display with a ‘recipe’ display then add the components such as pumpkins, containers and hydrangeas for quick ‘pick up and go’ simple, easy, and elegant decorating idea.
Customer Engagement Tip

Ask your most avid gardening customers to take photos of their creations and start a conversation ‘pinboard’ in the store and/or on social media sites.
Flower pot photo courtesy of Talula's Garden

Comfort Food

As we head in to fall the foliage changes color, temps get colder and I look to my fireplace and comfort foods to take away the chill in the air.

As a garden geek, what could be a better accompaniment to a hearty bowl of soup or chili than fresh baked ‘flour’ (or flower) pot bread!

Courtesy of Vita Shanley, executive pastry chef of Talula’s Garden

Flour Pot
Bread Recipe

1 1/8 cups melted butter
2 cups milk
8 eggs
1 tbsp. + 2 tsp. yeast
2/3 cup sugar
1 tbsp. + 2 tsp. salt
1 ½ tablespoons honey
7 ½ cups flour + more for shaping
7 ½ ounce day-old dough (starter)

Add cold milk to melted butter.

Combine yeast, salt and honey into standing mixer.

Pour butter
and milk over.
Add eggs.

Add flour and day-old dough, used as a starter.

Mix 3 min on speed 1.
Mix 3 min on speed 2.

Transfer to sprayed Tupperware container.
Let sit overnight.

In morning, push dough down and measure:
390 grams for large pot
350 grams for medium pot
300 grams for small pot

You’re gonna need
a lot of flour!

Shape dough in a ball.

Transfer to sprayed flower pot.
Let double in size.

Bake at 400 degrees for 5 minutes.

Turn down to 350 degrees for 5 minutes,
then 325 degrees for 5-10 minutes. 

Yields six pots.

Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Tree T-Shirt

UpShoot Stands Up to Fight Breast Cancer

Mary Elizabeth Sallay Zampini – my paternal grandmother – sadly was taken at the age of 44 of breast cancer in 1957. 

My first cousin is also a recent breast cancer survivor.

Jim, Mary Sallay and Fred Zampini
Because of my family history, I get a yearly mammogram as part of my self-care. I encourage women AND men to self-exam monthly.

Early detection can make all the difference in the world to having loved ones survive.

Support Those
in Need

If you’re looking for a way to show support but are unable to contribute financially, consider Girls Love Mail.

Gina Mulligan

Gina Mulligan – founder and breast cancer survivor – says that anyone can gift the gift of a hand-written letter to women going through breast cancer treatment.

Girls Love Mail YouTube Video

The Girls Love Mail website provides tips and sample letters to make the process simple, easy and fun for both individuals and groups.

 Write a Letter to a Woman with Breast Cancer

A little time and the cost of a stamp is all it takes to provide a powerful gift. A simple gesture can help heal and inspire in a time when it is needed most.

Ignite Spot Small Business Marketing Idea Infographic

Are Blogs Best for Marketing Yourself?

Ignitespot suggests blogging is one of the best FREE marketing tools available for small businesses.

Check out their BlogConomy info-graphic statistics – they are blog-tastically eye opening! 
The Blogconomy - infographic courtesy of Ignitespot

Kylee Baumle, Writer, Author and SpeakerI had the honor of hosting my friend, author and top garden blogger, Kylee Baumle of Our Little Acre in August.

I introduced her to plants and people in NE Ohio including the NGLCO Field Day, The Holden Arboretum, Petitti Garden Center and the Local Tavern Bar and Restaurant (the original offices of Wayside Gardens). 

L to R:  Maria Zampini, Joe Zampini, Jim Zampini, Pat Zampini
Kylee’s September 10th post featured her visit to UpShoot. Look for future posts detailing her time in Lake County, Ohio.  

Follow us and our green industry friends on our Co-Hort Zone blog.

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